'Food Photography | Tips and Tricks | Pondicherry | #auroville | #vlog | #tamil #photography'

'Food Photography | Tips and Tricks  | Pondicherry  | #auroville  | #vlog  | #tamil  #photography'
02:05 Sep 23, 2024
'This video is about how I shot some Food photos for Auro jars restaurant which is located near Auroville   #tipsandtricks #pondicherry #auroville #tamil  #vlog   Food Photography | Tips & Trick | Pondicherry | Auroville | Prabanjan Vlog | Tamil  You can see the Result at https://www.instagram.com/aurojarsrestaurant/?hl=en  Follow me on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/prabanjan_photographer/?hl=en Youtube: @prabanjan1998    Gears I used in this video:  Camera: Canon EOS R  https://www.amazon.in/Canon-Mirrorless-Digital-Camera-Body/dp/B07K1MNNHK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BG5QMWMQ7BJM&keywords=canon+eos+r&qid=1656601874&sprefix=canon+EOS+%2Caps%2C252&sr=8-1 Lens: Canon 100 mm EF  https://www.amazon.in/Canon-100mm-Prime-Lens-Camera/dp/B002NEGTSI/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2CX22CUZ3MNMW&keywords=canon%2B100mm%2Blens&qid=1656601895&sprefix=canon%2B100%2Bmm%2Caps%2C254&sr=8-1&th=1 Light: Godox SL 60 W   https://www.amazon.in/Godox-SL60-5600K-Studio-Version/dp/B072VJZCP6/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3CJMCMQ8RIKYN&keywords=sl+60w+lights&qid=1656601827&sprefix=sl+60%2Caps%2C251&sr=8-2 Backdrop: https://www.amazon.in/Store2508-Photography-Background-Cosmetics-Multicolour/dp/B08FYQNTN3/ref=sr_1_10?crid=3DRZH0083A0PQ&keywords=backdrop+for+photography&qid=1656601955&sprefix=backdrop%2Caps%2C250&sr=8-10' 

Tags: photoshop , Mobile Photography , food photography , food photography tricks , food styling , natural light , food photography tips , food photography editing , food photography tutorials , food photography tips and tricks , editing food photography , natural light food photography , learn food photography , food photography styling , how to photograph food

See also:

